Series II: Defining my Path: My Infinite Journey of endless possibilities, Part I: Entry #6

I am really excited about what is going to happen in my life towards universal good. This is not an easy path that I am on. It’s interesting because I have to be careful around the entities of universal evil. Not only because they are evil, but I don’t have the type of evidence to prove the evil actions of these entities that are really going the extra mile to manipulate the foods I eat to harm me. I am up against people who enjoy to poison, murder, and kill whomever may be a threat to their power. Remember, some of these people have obtained high level positions by harming people who they were jealous of or got in the way of their path to power like Evelyn did to me in Spring and Houston, TX. Nevertheless, I know that the Most High is going to bless me with the desires of my heart to enjoy life, love, my family, friends, career, and all things toward creating heavenly spaces on Earth.

It is sad that these evil organized groups who clearly have permission from someone with power are all about poison, murder, kill. But, I’m all about love, peace, and chill. I’m thankful that I don’t desire to use the tools of universal evil. I’m about utilizing my talents for universal good. I know they are scared of me. If they weren’t, they would not continue to secretly harass me. Remember, they cannot openly poison my food or they would go to jail. They have to plot, organize and hope that I eventually get sick and diagnosed with some sort of illness that will seem as though it happened naturally. Now, I don’t know how many people they have succeeded in harming with these evil strategies. But, I know that I am not the only one. Now, I understand that not all foods agree with our systems, and some foods may be spoiled, but I know what is happening to me is intentional.

Remember, when I first go to these places, nothing is happening. Because I’m not a threat to universal good. Those who are for universal evil who are pretending they represent universal good had to strategize to get close to management in these organizations who are for universal good. The evil entities get comfortable and when someone needs a favor they pull in their evil people who they know will go along with the plan to harm me and not question the request. From what I see that seems to take a while to plan with their evil team that will harm me, a single mother with a special needs child. Because once you poison, murder, kill someone innocent intentionally, there is no turning back. You did it outside of self defense which removes you from the realm of universal good. Remember, I am not trying to change the heart of someone who has crossed the point of no return. I hope to influence those who have not crossed that line and feel that the only way to survive is to join universal evil. I pray that my story influences those who are tempted to turn away from universal good. Trust me I know it’s hard, because these evil people are doing these things where it’s obvious who they are as if they are mocking me for not being able to do anything about the evil tactics that they continue to do me. But one thing I know is the tables turn and even if I had the opportunity I still wouldn’t use evil resources. If my story reveals who these people are and influences people not to take the evil road, it would be a glorious moment for me.

I was thinking about that scene in Equalizer 2, where the character Robert McCall who represents universal good played by Denzel Washington realized Pedro Pascal played by Dave York represented universal evil because Pedro had his friend Melissa Leo played by Susan Plummer killed.

Now, just imagine if you get in the way of someone with power in law enforcement for universal evil, but you don’t have the skills or authority of someone like Robert McCall. You may not survive. So, I figure this is why the hand of God came to me in my dream because He had to send me the energy and protection to keep me alive. I don’t think I would be here if it was not for His protection in the spirit realm. And if something detrimental happened to me, it would have not tied back to the people who plotted on my life.

Let me tell you another situation that was weird. I went to Louisiana Bistreaux next to State Farm in Dunwoody, GA to pick up my food order. I parked in the underground parking area. There was a white male who appeared to get out of an rusty, dirty, dark gray pickup truck. I got out of my car and he appeared to be waiting. I was cautious because he seemed like he was waiting for me to get out of my car. He seemed to press the elevator button when I got out of my car. As I was walking towards the stairs, he got on the elevator and asked me was I going up. I kept going towards the stairs because I didn’t trust him. I went up the stairs to go into Louisiana Bistreaux and the white male from parking area came in behind me. He had on a dark blue shirt and his cheeks were extremely red. He went behind the stand where customers are greeted, he appeared to not know what he was doing, but I showed him my details on the app, then he looked for my food order and handed it to me. I don’t know who sent him there, but I believe he was only there because of me. Nevertheless, I walked out of the restaurant and just thought they are really scared of me. To follow my patterns the way they do and find someone that would partake in following me around is cowardly and weak. I have enjoyed this restaurant several times and I recently had an incident at Target not to far from this restaurant. It’s really sad that they are still trying to intimidate and harm me since they couldn’t outsmart me. They only know how to poison, murder, or kill to keep their power and cover up their dirty deeds.

If you follow someone long enough, you will learn their patterns and could figure out how to plot to harm them, it will look like what we call a coincidence. The evil schemers know that if I immediately pass out it will look suspect and law enforcement for universal good may investigate the situation and possibly figure out who was leading the ring of these domestic terrorist. So they plot little by little. Remember, it can be someone in a maintenance position, retail worker right up to a VP position. If you read Series I, you will know what I went through. These low key attacks are continuing to happen at places where consumers like myself should not have to wonder if the employees have intentionally manipulated foods that I regularly purchase. They only do enough so they don’t get on the radar of law enforcement for universal good.

All praises to the Most High! No weapon formed against me shall prosper! I will heal from the terroristic attacks on my health!

“Let’s continue to shift the universal energy towards universal good instead of universal evil.”

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