Series II: Defining my Path: My Infinite Journey of endless possibilities, Part I: Entry #2

On my spiritual journey, I have continued to study my history and lineage. Also, I have learned about other spiritual beliefs systems. I was raised on the Christian trinity, which is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I enjoy the teachings of Jesus, his disciples, and the experiences of the prophets and prophetesses that came before and after him. One of my favorite parables is the story of the tare and the wheat. I bring this up because I desire to separate from the tares before they get entangled with us, the wheat. I believe we can create heavenly spaces on Earth and separate from those who desire to create hellish spaces on Earth. Remember, I wanted to share and create with everyone. I thought if you give someone a chance, they may change. But, I experienced a deep level of evil that took my kindness as a weakness and signaled to their evil network to attempt to destroy me whenever they have the opportunity to do so without getting caught, which is still currently happening. Therefore, after these experiences, I no longer desire to extend an olive branch to those who clearly have chosen the path of universal evil.

In order for me to get to this point, I had to gain a certain level of knowledge regarding how universal energy works. I was taught under the Christian trinity, to forgive, be baptized, and accept Jesus as my savior that died for my sins and I would go to heaven in the afterlife. In 2009, I wrote a book of poetry. The first version of the book, I was deeply guided by my beliefs in the Christian trinity. When my daughter was diagnosed on the autism spectrum, I begin to question what I believed. This is when my journey for my divine purpose began. But let me tell y’all, I had no idea that on my path of my destiny that I would embark on this level of evil in my personal life that I wrote about in Series I of this blog. I believe in a higher power and I desire to go to a heavenly realm in the afterlife, but I believe that those of us who desire universal good can enjoy a heavenly life right here on Earth as well. After, I experienced those deep levels of evil from Evelyn and her demonic crew in Spring and Houston, TX, the lawyer Delane in Mississippi, and their network here in GA, I understood the true difference between universal good and universal evil.

Universal evil is a copy of universal good. Evil people are just a copy of those who do good. From what I understand we are all divine beings having a human experience. Therefore, we are all a form of energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Energy changes from one form of energy to another.

I believe that we all have the opportunity to create heavenly spaces on Earth to grow the realm of universal good, but unfortunately when someone decides to use the resources of universal evil to accomplish their goals they become a copy of universal good. Their energy shifts from universal good to universal evil. I call them a copy because they will destroy life for their own selfish gain. Those who are for universal good are authentic, we are original. For example, if someone cheats and looks at someone else’s test to get the answers, they are not authentic, they copied. Instead of studying and working to understand the material, they cheated. Now, you may think, this doesn’t mean the person that copied is evil. Ok, let me take this one step further, there are levels to universal evil, just like there are levels to universal good. This example is a simple example of explaining how universal evil is copy of universal good. The person who cheated, didn’t poison, murder, or kill anyone so why would it be considered in the realm of universal evil. The person is tap dancing on the line and this is where you have to be careful because the energy in the spirit realm of universal evil will begin to look for ways to pull you further into it’s realm of evil.

To give another example, I am going to use the story in 1 Kings 13 about the man of God who went from Judah to Bethel. The man of God was given instructions to prophesy in Bethel and not to eat or drink from that place. Another prophet in the town of Bethel found the man of God and asked him to eat with him. But, he tricked the man of God by saying that he too was a prophet. This is an example of how the prophet from the town of Bethel got what he wanted without going against the man of God’s free will and he didn’t poison, murder, or kill. The man of God ate with the prophet and was later killed by a lion down the road. I must say this is a form of power in the realm of universal evil. Even though people like Delane poisoned me and Evelyn’s crew in Houston had me drugged is a form of pure evil, the tactics the prophet from the town of Bethel used were still a form of universal evil. I figure most of us may have experienced the realm of universal evil where we were influenced to do something that was not in our best interest as the example with the man of God from Judah. Of course, we may realize it after the situation, but just like the man of God, you don’t realize the ramifications until after you have been deceived. The difference between what happened to the man of God and what happened to me is that I was poisoned and drugged and the man of God was not. Even though the man of God was fooled, he still was able to make a decision within his own free will. However, in my situation, I was poisoned and drugged, so I did not have the opportunity to make a choice based on my own free will. My free will was impaired intentionally.

Another example is the how the devil according to the bible was once an angel named Lucifer and when he decided to tap into the realm of universal evil, he became a copy. He used the strategies that he learned from universal good, but took it a step further with the strategies from universal evil and begin to lie to the other angels to trick them into becoming copies and eventually were removed from heavenly spaces. They continued to carry out more evil strategies to build there army of universal evil.

This concept has helped me to keep my sanity through the strategic attacks of the demonic plans of Evelyn, Delane and the evil leadership that continues here in GA that gives them permission to carry out these attacks through their organized criminal networks. These people are slicker than hot grease. They want to ensure that what happens to me does not tie back to them or their evil leaders. I have more to share on this concept in my next blog entry, but I hope that I encourage you to desire to be authentic and not a copy.

“Let’s continue to shift the universal energy towards universal good instead of universal evil. “

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